Friday, October 26, 2012

Paleo Recipe Book? I had no energy in the mornings and my concentration which used to be fantastic, stopped being so good.I have never been a fan of fad diets or detox diets.Well, the idea of a caveman diet wasn't exactly appealing.

I also didn't have the greatest digestion in the world.I will also publish another hub today with more information about the diet and some sample recipes.
I eat quite healthily, maybe drink a bit more than I should, but I realised I was feeling lethargic all the time.I had never heard of this before, but a quick internet search revealed it to be a "caveman diet" - based on the idea that humans bodies haven't evolved as quickly as what we eat, and so we are still more attuned to certain types of food.However, since passing the 30 milestone, and more recently the 35 milestone, I have noticed things haven't been right.It doesn't cost much to buy a decent Paleo cookbook, you will be surprised at the quality of food in them, and really, what have you got to lose?
And the result?As far as I have seen, these diets are just marketing ploys to sell the books of so called "experts" with no real qualifications.My wife absolutely loves them, and I let her get on with it!Here is the link to the Paleo Cookbooks I started out with - they are ebooks so you can download them and start cooking with them straight away.
Then one of my friends told me about Paleo Diets, and suggested I get a Paleo cookbook.Well after a few months on the diet, I certainly feel healthier, fitter, less tired all the time, and my digestion works a treat.I have never been overweight so dieting has never been an issue.What is a Paleo Diet and can it help you?So, all I would say is, if you are sceptical, why not give it a go.But then I read these cookbooks and I quickly realised that most of the food was things I eat normally, with a few important additions and omissions.

Click here to Paleo Recipe Book